Why I Love the Broad Match Modified Strategy on Google AdWords
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Pay Per Click is an amazing marketing strategy but can be deceptively harder than it looks, and when you first begin playing around with Google’s PPC tool AdWords it is pretty easy to spend a lot of money fast. Simply forgetting to hone in your targeting area could result in a $1,000 budget spent in seconds as people across the country click on your local business’s ads, arrive at your website and then immediately leave.
But once you have gotten the basics of AdWords targeting down how can you take your campaign to the next level? My favorite way to do so is to hone in on your search strategy. This is the first trick- bidding on the word Dog won’t just deliver clicks to your site from people who search for dogs but also people who search for anything related to dogs. The way to fix this is through your search strategy. If you don’t choose a strategy the default is “broad match”– in this strategy Google delivers traffic to your site for “related” searches in addition to the exact search.
A strategy that I like more is “broad match modified”. In this search strategy you add a “+” sign before all important words in your keyword/phrase. For instance if your desired keyword is Best Pizza in Grand Rapids you could use broad match modified and type in +Best +Pizza in +Grand +Rapids into your keyword list. The plus signs tell Google that each word with the plus must be present in order for you to be willing to bid. This strategy isn’t perfect but by adding “negative” keywords to your campaign frequently can make it very accurate. A negative keyword is a word that if added to someone’s search will not trigger your bid. For instance I might use the word FREE as a negative keyword for a certain campaign so that if someone typed in Best Free Pizza in Grand Rapids, my ads would not display, and I wouldn’t be stuck paying for a click from someone searching for free pizza that I won’t profit off of.
Other search strategies include Phrase Match & Exact Match, and we will cover those in future posts.