How To Get More Quality Likes On Your Facebook Page
One question we get all the time is, “How do I get more likes on my Company’s Facebook Page”? We used to answer this by asking people why they thought likes were so important, and why not try to focus marketing & advertising efforts on getting sales, building a brand, etc. The biggest factor to consider when trying to get more likes is how to get more quality likes. A Facebook Page like by itself isn’t worth much for business pages these days. A bad like from a fake account or inactive account, or from someone who could never potentially be a customer for you can actually hurt you.
Recently we started running some experiments to see how we could take a Facebook Page that was averaging 5-10 new likes per month and supercharge a strategy to receive more quality likes from local customers. The results were steady and impressive. Here is what we did:
The Facebook Business Page that we started with had 1,800 likes. Our strategy was to take the “likes” on existing posts that we had from the past 14 days and invite those who liked a post but didn’t like our page to like and follow our page. On average if we posted a cute picture of a dog, or a company update we would get 15-20 likes and of that 25% were new likes who hadn’t engaged our content before and didn’t like our overall page. By simply inviting them to like our page we were able to increase our “new like” count by 62 over a 30 day period with maybe 30 minutes of work.
The screenshots below show what to click, and how you can invite people who already like your content to like your page overall, thus increasing the number of total people eligible to see, like and share future content.
For any help or to have Maltese Marketing assist in your Facebook Marketing visit our contact page or call us today at 734-306-6430. We work with clients in all industries!
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